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A promotional photo from Unforgotten Night. The two lead actors are sitting on a couch. One is looking at the camera while the other hugs him from behind.

Daily Helping for December 3rd, 2022 – Unforgotten Night

I will admit that there has been a KinnPorsche-shaped hole in my life since I finished watching that show. So what was my natural reaction to this? I went looking for another show just like it. Which is how I discovered Unforgotten Night. Mafia boss falling for a normie? Check. Dubious morality and grey characters? Check. Amazing side characters? Check. But was it a good substitute? Sadly no.

I heard someone once describe this show as the student film to KinnPorsche’s polished blockbuster, and I can’t say I disagree. But I also wish that wasn’t the case. The point of The Daily Hart is to find art that I love. Not tear down art that perhaps isn’t my favourite. But in the case of Unforgotten Night, I don’t think I will be watching past the first episode. I have no doubt that everyone involved worked really hard on it. It’s just not for me.

However, in the spirit of positivity, I will say that there was a beautiful scene in the first episode between one of the lead characters and his parents. He comes home, completely heartbroken, and the speech they give him to cheer him up was absolutely beautiful. I wish all queer people had such wonderful and amazing parents. The world truly would be a better place if that was the case.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!