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Daily Helping for August 23rd, 2021 – Takashi Murakami – Flowers

An image of Flowers by Takashi Murakami. The image contains dozens of vibrantly coloured flower designs with big smiles and happy faces in the centre.

It’s a new week, and hopefully it will be a better week than the last one. And to start it off right, this morning I quite literally googled “Art that will make you happy”. It was a rather eclectic and mixed bag of results, let me tell you, but one in particular stood out. Flowers, by Takashi Murakami. I mean, just look at those smiling faces. I’ve been staring at them all morning, and I am thrilled to report that they do in fact make me happy. I couldn’t tell you why. There’s just something so unabashedly joyful about them.

So thank you Takashi Murakami for your Flowers series and for making me smile. It’s going to be a great week, I can feel it.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!