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A graphic design piece by Sophie Podolski. It's black and white showing an abstract and surreal image of a being's head. The eyes are windows with animals for pupils.

Daily Helping for October 15th, 2023 – Sophie Podolski

I haven’t crunched the numbers, but I’m pretty sure I’ve featured more visual art during this year’s challenge than the first year. Mostly because I’m really trying to push myself to get over my fear of not knowing enough about visual art to say anything remotely intelligent about it. Because let’s be real. If I can feature fashion, I can feature visual art. Besides, the point of the Daily Hart is not to suddenly become an expert in all mediums of art. I just want to discover and appreciate new artists from around the world. Which is a good thing, because if I’m being completely honest, I have no idea what to do with the art of Sophie Podolski.

Sophie Podolski was a graphic artist and poet from Belgium who tragically died at the age of 21 in 1974. She published only one book during her lifetime, but her work has been much admired and referenced since her death. For that reason, I spent some time looking through her oeuvre, and while I enjoyed the experience, I have no idea what to say about the quality of her work. Graphic art is the visual art I’m the least fluent in, so I have no idea what makes her work “good”. All I know is that I’ve never seen anything like before, and I like it. I suppose that’s all you can ask for when it comes to appreciating art.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!