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A photo still from Rough Night. It shows the five lead characters, all dressed up for a night out, walking down a street in a line in Miami.

Daily Helping for September 22nd, 2023 – Rough Night

We have made it to Friday! And I’m all caught up on daily helpings! It’s time to party!!

Well, actually, I’m far too old and exhausted to party on a Friday night, so I will be staying in and watching a movie. And if you’re doing the same, I have the perfect Friday night movie for you. Rough Night. It’s basically a movie about a group of women at a bachelorette party making a series of increasingly bad decisions. In other words, it’s the women equivalent of The Hangover.

Is Rough Night the best movie ever made? Absolutely not. But it is a ridiculous, over the top film that features a group of incredibly talented actresses and a hilarious supporting cast. What more could you want on a Friday night?

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!