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A promotional photo of The Rose. The four members are sitting in a line, all in pink suits, looking straight into the camera.

Daily Helping for February 24th, 2023 – The Rose – Black Rose

It’s Friday! Which usually means I’m looking for something to dance my way into the weekend. But I’m unfortunately still sick, so I was definitely in the mood for something much more mellow today. Enter The Rose, an indie-rock band from Korea, and their beautiful song “Black Rose“. Honestly, I could listen to this all day. And I probably will. I’m also going to try and not be too annoyed by the fact that I missed seeing them in Paris by a week. Literally. Hopefully I can catch them on their next tour. Until then, Happy Friday all!

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!