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An image from Native Animals by Rachel Maclean. It shows a humanoid rabbit, surrounded by half a dozen smaller humanoid rabbits, who are all looking up at the bigger one in fear.

Daily Helping for September 2nd, 2023 – Rachel Maclean – Native Animals

Today’s daily helping comes from yet another rec, and I have to say that I’m bewilderingly fascinated by it. Native Animals by Rachel Maclean is both a video installation and visual art piece, and it uses typical (and stereotypical) images of British identity to comment on and critique contemporary British politics.

Unfortunately, I haven’t seen the installation in full, as the rec came to me in the form of Rachel Maclean’s official website. But there is a short clip of the video pieces, as well as all of the digital paintings available to view online, and they are enough to get an idea of what this piece is all about. It’s a surreal and horror infused examination of how “traditional” British narratives can be distorted by those looking to wield them, either for political influence or societal power, until they are unrecognizable. Which is a pretty apt summary of most political situations these days.

One day I hope to see a Rachel Maclean piece in person. Until then, I will continue to explore her archives online. She clearly has some very interesting things to say.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!