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Daily Helping for January 20th, 2021 – Please Like Me – Josh Thomas

A promotional photo of Josh Thomas, star and creator of the TV show Please Like Me

Please Like Me, created by and starring Josh Thomas, is an Australian television show that many people have recommended to me over the years. It’s also popped up on countless ‘Best Shows You Should be Watching’ lists, but what can I say? We’re living in a golden age of content, and there’s only so many hours in a day. That being said, I recently acquired a Schitt’s Creek-sized comedy hole in my heart when that show ended, so I decided it was finally time to give Please Like Me a go.

Full disclosure, I’ve only watched a couple of episodes so far. But the first episode alone was enough to know that this show is certainly playing fast and loose with the word comedy. It is funny, but most of the humour is character-based, so you need to get to know these people before the true hilarity sets in. The show also sets the comedy alongside some pretty dark subject matter. The first episode begins with main character Josh getting dumped by his girlfriend, and ends with him moving back in with his mother after she makes an attempt on her life. Not exactly topics that scream funny, but somehow the writing manages to find the absurdity and levity in each of them.

As I said, the first episode opens with Josh getting dumped by his girlfriend. She feels like they’ve drifted apart, but then casually adds that he’s also probably gay. Josh, for his part, denies that he is, but you get the impression that he’s more concerned with the inconvenience of getting dumped than any potential identity crises. By the end of the episode, he’s gone to bed with his roommate’s co-worker, and once again appears to be completely unconcerned with the fact that he’s now kissing men. It’s a refreshing change from the angst that normally accompanies these sorts of storylines, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it plays out in future episodes.

Overall, Please Like Me is definitely the most awkward of awkward comedies I’ve seen in a while, but it’s also awkward in all the best ways. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m looking forward to all the awkward that’s to come.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!