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A photo of Nicola Macri onstage, mid-performance.

Daily Helping for August 14th, 2023 – Nicola Macri – Single Entendre

Have you ever noticed just how sexualized the English language has become? I have. I’m painfully aware of it every single day. And now, Nicola Macri, a brilliant comedian from Australia, has made a whole show about this fact. And I loved every second of it. It was hilarious, heartfelt, and had just the right amount of exasperated indignation at having to navigate an allo world as an ace. But I particularly loved the line about how being ace is like constantly being on the outside of an inside joke. As someone who so rarely gets to see myself represented in media, it was wonderful to finally be able to relate to something on such a fundamental level. It made me laugh. But it also gave me goosebumps. And it was glorious.

If you happen to be in Edinburgh between now and August 26th, definitely check out Single Entendre by Nicola Macri. I absolutely loved this show.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!