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A photo still from Lenguaje by Mayra Ortega de León. A dozen dancers are seen onstage, most on their knees with their arms outstretched in the air.

Daily Helping for August 5th, 2023 – Mayra Ortega de León – Lenguaje

So I may or may not have only just noticed that once again I’m featuring a piece by Körper Dance. I’ve been on a contemporary dance kick lately, and when today’s daily helping came across my dash, I clearly didn’t look hard enough at the credits. But the two pieces have two different choreographers, so technically, it counts. I also really love this piece, so I was probably going to count it anyway. But I’ve been cheating a lot this year, so it’s nice to know that this one is on the up and up. Also, it’s really, really beautiful. Thank you Mayra Ortega de León.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!