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An image of the painting The Passion of Christ by Lin Fengmian. It is an abstract piece in mostly cool colours, depicting Christ on the cross.

Daily Helping for March 9th, 2023 – The Passion of Christ – Lin Fengmian

I came across the name of Lin Fengmian at an exhibition dedicated to Chinese ink paintings. None of his works were on display, but his name came up as one of the first Chinese artists of the 20th century to study in Europe. In particular, he studied in Paris for three years starting in 1920. Meaning he was here for the artistic rebirth of Les Années Folles immediately following the end of World War I.

Naturally, I looked up Lin Fengmian after the exhibition, and I loved what I discovered. I particularly liked The Passion of Christ, because there is something about the angles and lines of this piece that are very striking. The abstractness of the three women on the left is particularly haunting.

I would love to see Fengmian’s work in person one day, but I have since discovered that that might be easier said than done. Most of his works were destroyed during the Sino-Japanese war, and later as a result of China’s Cultural Revolution. Fengmian was even imprisoned for four years during this time. But he was eventually released, and he went on to recreate some of his paintings. Hopefully I can see one in person someday.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!