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An image of a piece by Justine Swindell. The piece depicts several people of varying ages and ethnicities, and the entire piece is done in blue and black colours.

Daily Helping for September 16th, 2023 – Justine Swindell – Power to the People

I was randomly scrolling through Instagram (which means hell has most definitely frozen over) when I came across the artist Justine Swindell and her incredible body of work. I suppose sometimes some good things come from randomly scrolling through Instagram. Like discovering artists such as Justine Swindell. There is a vibrancy to her pieces that almost leaps off the screen and I love it. So much so that it was hard to pick a favourite among her pieces. However, the many beautiful shades of blue in the one above cinched the deal. Blue is one of my favourite colours, and the people in this image are simply gorgeous. Power to the people indeed.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!