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Daily Helping for August 16th, 2021 – Juliano Nunes – Back Forward Back

A photo still from the video Back Forward Back, choreographed by Juliano Nunes. The photo shows two female dancers in plain black outfits, dancing in a studio. The camera is filming them through the floor to ceiling mirrors in the dance studio.

Well, it had to happen at some point. I clicked on this video because I was in the mood for a dance piece. And it was a great choice, because I was blown away by the level of synchronization between the two dancers. As a former synchronized swimmer, I know how hard that is. I was also intrigued by the decision to film this piece through a mirror instead of directly on the dancers. It adds an extra layer of framing to the viewing experience that is quite interesting. All in all, I greatly enjoyed this video. It wasn’t until I sat down to write about it that I realized my mistake. I’ve already featured a piece choreographed by Juliano Nunes. Recently, in fact. Apparently my memory is not what it used to be.

I briefly considered finding another piece for today, but I really like this number. Plus, I made the rules of the Daily Hart, which means I can also break them. But only this once.

Happy Monday all!

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!