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Daily Helping for February 3rd, 2021 – Hannah Spangler – Overcomer

An image from the animated short film Overcomer by Hannah Spangler, wherein the main character hugs her inner self.

Sometimes art is just for fun. And that’s fine. But other times, art can be deeply personal, to the point where you almost feel like a voyeur while watching it. That’s how I felt watching Overcomer by Hannah Spangler. This animated short is achingly personal, and the notes below the video confirm this feeling. Spangler created this film about her own experience with depression and anxiety, and that intimate connection breathes through every frame. It’s not a subtle film, but it is beautiful in the way it visualizes the way we can be our own worst enemies. How internalizing every negative thought can weigh us down. Can harm us.

I loved this film, but there was one moment in particular that took my breath away. At the four minute mark, when she’s so laden down with chains that she can’t move, the inner self still looks up with hope in her eyes. Just that one look was enough to give me goosebumps. It was a look that said no matter how bad things get, there’s always hope. There’s always a way out of the darkness.

I will never stop being in awe of the artists who are brave enough to put such deeply personal works into the world. And I’ll never stop being grateful for them either. Overcomer is a beautiful film, and as Spangler notes, I hope those who see it will come away with something positive.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!