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A close up photo of George Telek. He is in profile, with a microphone to the left of his face.

Daily Helping for July 6th, 2023 – George Telek – Mi Save Wari Turu

At this point, it’s scary how well the YouTube algorithm knows me. It keeps sending me incredible new finds from all over the world, and honestly, I’m perfectly okay with this. Today’s new find was George Telek, a musician from Papua New Guinea who sings in the Kuanua and Tok Pisin languages, neither of which I had heard of until today. But after listening to “Mi Save Wari Turu“, I absolutely want to hear more of both of them. And more of George Telek’s work in general. Love this!

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!