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Daily Helping for October 18th, 2020 – Charlie Williams – Rise

A photo still from the performance of Rise, choreographed by Charlie Williams
Image from DRA (Dancers Responding to AIDS)

I will always be first in line to promote the idea that performances need to be seen live. I don’t want to watch a filmed version. I want to be there, in-person, experiencing a performance as part of an audience. Especially when, as in this video, the venue is so spectacular. Seriously. The logistician in me is cringing, because I can’t imagine that setting up a stage on the waterfront is easy. But the human in me is currently staring at my screen with heart eyes. I would have loved to have been in that audience, but I wasn’t. And with performance venues closed for the foreseeable future, I’m incredibly grateful that these events have been filmed. Otherwise, I would have never been able to experience this beautiful performance of “Rise”, choreographed by Charlie Williams.

First things first. I know nothing about how to dance. If there’s a skill level below having two left feet, I’m at least three levels below that. But I absolutely adore watching dancers perform. The way they move, every precise movement; it never ceases to give me goosebumps. This performance was no exception. Again, I can’t give any technical reason for why I loved it. I couldn’t tell you if one dance move was particularly impressive or if another one was particularly well executed. All I can tell you is that I was riveted from start to finish.

I can’t wait until I can watch performances like this again in-person, but until then, I’ll content myself with what’s available online. It’s not the same, but this video still left me breathless in its beauty. That’s the power of dance, and I’m in awe of it.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!