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An image of an artwork by Claudia Anselmi. It shows a faded image of a girl with her back to the viewer in the background, with an abstract forest in the foreground.

Daily Helping for May 29th, 2023 – Claudia Anselmi – Maite as a Girl in the Forest

The quest to feature artists from over 100 countries for this challenge is picking up, because today’s daily helping comes courtesy of Uruguay. I wish I could say that I knew a lot about Uruguay, but sadly I don’t. Other than the fact that I sometimes get it mixed up with Paraguay, which I’m sure people from both countries hate. But now I know about the incredible artist Claudia Anselmi and her beautiful art installations. I’m very aware that the photos on her website likely do not do her work justice. But until one of her installations comes to Paris, photos will have to do.

I loved looking through her portfolio, but I was particularly taken by the image above. There is something very ethereal about the image of the girl in the background. It makes me want to know everything about her story. Why is she in the forest? How did she get there? Why is she alone with the trees? So many questions for such a beautiful piece. I love it.

One final note. I’m taking the next week to disconnect and recharge, so I’m putting a temporary pause on these daily helpings. But I’ll be back next week with more incredible artists and artworks.

Have a great week all!

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!