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A close up photo of Andrea Baker. She is standing in profile, head turned directly towards the camera, with a purple background.

Daily Helping for August 18th, 2023 – Andrea Baker and Howard Moody – Tales of Transatlantic Freedom

Sometimes I have moments where I have to ask myself, How is this my life? I had one of those moments last night when I went to see Tales of Transatlantic Freedom, co-created by Andrea Baker and Howard Moody. It was a musical exploration of the history of the African diaspora, and it was absolutely incredible. Andrea Baker is an astonishingly good singer. I was in awe from start to finish over the power of her voice, and her performance was absolutely riveting. I felt like I had just seen a show that could easily sell out Radio City Music Hall at $200 a ticket, and I saw it for free because I share a venue with this show and I was able to get in on standby. How is this my life? I have no idea how I got this lucky, but I know this for sure. The next time Andrea Baker comes through town, I will be first in line for a ticket. No matter what the cost.

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!