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Daily Helping for February 23rd, 2021 – Ali Walker – Wooden Arms

A photo of performer Ali Walker, mid-performance, hanging upside down from the static trapeze.

It’s time for another circus performance! This time I’m kicking it up a notch (I say that as if I have anything to do with these performances…) with a static trapeze number by Ali Walker. This piece is called “Wooden Arms”, and I love how it’s not just a circus performance. Yes, the strength and power and flexibility are all on display. And yes, I’m still jealous that people can do this and I can’t. But what I love about this piece is the character work contained within it. Ali Walker isn’t just performing gravity-defying tricks and manuveres. She’s created a whole character and narrative for her performance, and I love it.

I keep telling myself that maybe it’s time to give circus acts a break and look for something else, but every time I do, YouTube brings me another incredible video like this one and I’m powerless to resist. I mean, can you blame me?

Suggestions for artists I should check out? Please contact me with your ideas. I hope you enjoyed your daily helping of art!